Your Sadaqa increases tenfold during the month of Ramadan

"All the deeds of the son of Adam are multiplied. The good deed is counted from ten to seven hundred times".

Sahih Mouslim - 13 - Book of Fasting " Hadith n°1151


Wells built

+2 years



Satisfied customers

Your Sadaqa increases tenfold during the month of Ramadan

"All the deeds of the son of Adam are multiplied. The good deed is counted from ten to seven hundred times".

Sahih Mouslim - 13 - Book of Fasting " Hadith n°1151


Wells built

+2 years



Satisfied customers

One of Note 5/5

One of Note 5/5

Why choose Well Solidarity to finance a well?

Sadaka Jariya

According to Abu Dawud, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked, "What is the best of alms?" He replied: "Water".

Customer service

Attentive customer service throughout the process, available by Whatsapp, email or telephone.

Service Rapide

Thanks to our team on the ground, well construction times vary between 5 and 20 days, depending on the project.


Photos and videos of the construction of your well will be sent to you throughout the process.

Frequently asked questions

Well Solidarity - Contruire un Puits - Sadaqa jariya

The lifespan of a well depends on the depth of the water and regular maintenance by the community. Proper use of equipment such as pumps is essential to prolong its life. Collective responsibility for maintenance ensures that the well remains a reliable source of water for the community.

Yes, you can extend the life of a well with regular maintenance.

The construction of a well varies according to a number of parameters, including the local geology and the depth to be reached. In general, our team aims to complete a well within 5 days to meet the community's water needs.

Thanks to our experience and expertise, and the mobilisation of resources, we are able to build wells efficiently.

The cost of building a well varies according to various factors such as depth, soil type and geographical location.

Each financial contribution is dedicated exclusively to the construction of the wells. We ensure total transparency by providing regular updates and detailed photos at every stage of the well's construction.

Yes, each well is personalised with the first and last names of the donors as well as a personal message or an extract from the Koran or a hadith to support the local population.

Yes, you have the option of inscribing several first and last names on the commemorative plaque, subject to the constraints of limited space on the plaque.

Well Solidarity carries out projects in various countries. We concentrate our efforts in regions where access to drinking water is limited, particularly in Africa and Asia.

Wells in Nepal, India and Pakistan may cost less due to geographical factors, local conditions and soil characteristics. For example, in Asia, certain regions have favourable geological and climatic conditions, facilitating access to the water table by simpler means of construction such as manual sunken wells, whereas in Africa, the nature of the soil and the depth of the water table may require more expensive and complex drilling. These geographical differences partly explain the variations in costs between regions.

To support the construction of a well, a donor can contact Well Solidarity to make a financial donation. Once the well is built, the company provides updates and photos to show the impact of the donation. Donors can be recognised and informed of the progress of the project as a sign of gratitude for their contribution.

In Pakistan, sinking a pipe into the ground is the preferred method because of the geological conditions and the ease of access to the water table in certain regions, making it possible to build hand-dug wells.

Our different wells

Building your well in 3 stages


Select the type of well you would like to have built, then select the country of your choice and don't forget to leave a short message.


Our job will be to manage orders (type and location of wells, printing of customised signs), research the site, check the quality of materials and supervise the project during construction.


Our installation team will oversee the construction of the site, documenting every step along the way. Once the work is complete, our on-site team will take photos and videos.

Unforgettable smiles

Sadaqa Jariya, endless almsgiving

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "When man dies, his works cease except for the following three: an almsgiving whose benefit remains, a science useful to mankind, or a virtuous son who invokes Allah on his behalf."

[Muslim, riyad as-salihin n°949]

Well construction - one of the best Sadaqa jariya

How would you like to contribute to humanitarian actions that will continue to bring lasting benefits to vulnerable people, even after your death?

This is the purpose of the Sadaqa Jariya, a continuous almsgiving, symbolising the gift par excellence to multiply the impact of your generosity. The construction of wells is a response to an immediate humanitarian need.

Every day, you help to provide drinking water for many people, make life easier for hundreds of women and children who walk several kilometres every day to fetch drinking water, and help to prevent water-borne diseases, which are one of the main causes of death in developing countries. We need your help!

Well Solidarity - Contruire un Puits - Sadaqa jariya
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